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May 15, 20195 min read
Shortcuts to Healthier Meals
More whole foods. Fewer processed foods. Sounds simple, but who has time to cook from scratch all the time? You don't. The good new is...
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Feb 10, 20192 min read
But They Said "Science!"
There are so many different ideas out there when it comes to weight loss. It has gotten to a point where claiming a "scientific"...
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Jan 5, 20192 min read
Forget Resolutions- Set Some Goals!
The new year is upon us and everywhere you look, people are making resolutions and setting goals. Which do you do? Have you had success...
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Nov 19, 20186 min read
Why Going On a Diet Is Setting You Up to Fail.
For ages and ages when people have been trying to lose weight they've called it "going on a diet." It's just been the thing to do so...
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Sep 17, 20182 min read
A Saucy Quickie
I've shared this a couple places already today but it's too useful not to share here, too! A quickie with some tips for an awesome,...
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Sep 7, 20184 min read
Why I got Into Coaching
I know I have an "about coach" section on my site, but I really felt the need to share a little more intimately my story and why I felt...
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Aug 19, 20184 min read
The First Missing Piece- SLEEP
When focusing on losing or maintaining weight, it is common for people to think of two things and for weight loss plans to focus only on...
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Jul 4, 20184 min read
Reward Versus Comfort
If you haven't seen it going around, I'd be surprised. There's a meme going around that says "Don't reward yourself with food, you're not...
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Jun 26, 20182 min read
Quickie #3!
It's that time again, time for a Quickie! Still short and still sooooooo worth it! I had someone recently ask me how to deal with...
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Jun 9, 20183 min read
Vacation Weight Gain
Vacation! With the summer upon us (or almost, at least) that means that vacation season is here! Whether you vacation in the summer or at...
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Apr 3, 20182 min read
Quickie Time! #2
Time for another Quickie! Short but sooooo worth it ;) You may have noticed as you lose weight that you just DON'T see the changes. Maybe...
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Mar 18, 20188 min read
What's The Deal With Calories
Anyone who is trying to lose weight has heard about calories. Not everyone who loses weight counts or tracks their calories, though. That...
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Feb 27, 20181 min read
Quickie Time! Number 1
This is the first in a new series of QUICKIES! Short, but soooooo worth it ;) Last week I did a LOT of shopping. Both Costco and the...
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Feb 21, 20184 min read
Why Is Food So Damn Rewarding?
This is going to be my first blog that is going to really focus, behaviorally, on one specific aspect of weight loss. It is going to use...
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Jan 8, 20184 min read
So, How Often Should I Weigh Myself?
Frequently, most recently today, I see people mention in passing that they "know they shouldn't" weigh themselves every day. I've also...
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Nov 20, 20173 min read
Detoxes Are Bullsh*t
Yeah there it is, I said it. Detoxes and cleanses are super popular for weight loss and health and yet, they are complete and utter...
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Nov 18, 20173 min read
Let's Talk Potatoes
Ah yes the delicious potato! At times vilified (STARCH! RUN AWAY!) and at times seen as a low calorie part of a well balanced diet. And...
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Nov 16, 20179 min read
The Importance of Mindset
Being in the weight loss community, over and over I see people struggling with reaching their weight loss goals but even more so, I see...
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